
When you complete the PeopleMap™ Questionnaire, you receive the PeopleMap Professional Development Report which gives you concrete suggestions for being your best and fulfilling your potential.

PeopleMap Professional Development Report – the online assessment

Know what your natural strengths are in life. Have a personal map for getting along with others. Clearly understand the things that block your success and how to be successful. This report gives you those tools and is a profile based on your answers to seven questions from the PeopleMap Questionnaire.

You will receive critical information on your natural in-born strengths and what motivates your personality type via our 16-page, in-depth analysis related to your primary type, combination type, and what you prefer least at work and home. The report provides specific information pertaining to your strengths, Achilles Heel(s), and developmental opportunities. The skills include addressing issues of conflict, leadership, and how to work effectively with others.

This is a must for anyone who is leading others and seeking to improve at work and/or at home. Take an important step toward reaching your potential. Take the online assessment today.

Cost: $129 (Online Assessment Only)
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Additional Products Available

To purchase any of the additional items listed below, please contact us directly by phone (813.760.5699) or email ([email protected]).

PeopleMap Personality Type Questionnaire

This is the paper version of the questionnaire with interpretations of all the personality types. The PeopleMap Personality Type Questionnaire was developed and validated by Andrew Mathis, Ph.D. and Michael Lillibridge, Ph.D. With only seven questions, this questionnaire takes less than five minutes to complete and self-score. It has a 95% accuracy rate of measuring your personality type of either Leader, People, Free Spirit, or Task. This 24–page PeopleMap Questionnaire with a built–in workbook provides interpretations of the strengths, Achilles Heel(s), and areas of growth for each personality type as well as how to communicate effectively with each type.

PeopleMap Personality Type Questionnaire for Healthcare

This is the same simple and accurate seven-question PeopleMap Questionnaire previously mentioned. However, this 38–page version of our questionnaire and workbook is geared toward healthcare workers and has been used by dozens of hospitals and hundreds of doctors’ offices. It is complete with interpretations of each of the personality types and how to successfully relate and communicate with patients and staff members.

PeopleMap Personality Type Questionnaire for A/E Firms

This is the same simple and accurate seven-question PeopleMap Questionnaire previously mentioned. However, this 32-page version of our questionnaire and workbook is geared for architect and engineering companies. This PeopleMap Questionnaire has been used by numerous A/E firms. Thousands of people have taken the PeopleMap A/E Questionnaire and have gone through our PeopleMap Training Programs. It is complete with interpretations of each of the personality types and how to successfully relate and communicate with staff, one’s supervisor, clients, and team members.

PeopleMap Personal Development Audio–Based Training System

The PeopleMap Audio-Based Training System can be ordered as six (6) one-hour CDs. This complete training system provides you with everything you need to understand, relate and communicate effectively with anyone. This easy-to-use program will help you in every area of your personal and professional life. This includes spouse, children, bosses, subordinates, and friends.

In addition, the PeopleMap System provides a proven method of achieving success in reaching your potential. Using your personality type, you will learn how to achieve goals that are important to you in your personal and professional life.

This program includes:

    • Two PeopleMap Questionnaires so you can learn your personality type
    • The PeopleMap book: Understanding Yourself and Others
    • CD covering the entire PeopleMap Development program
    • PeopleMap Personal Development Workbook: A 100–page, easy-to-use workbook designed to take the concepts you learn in the program and translate these concepts into your life. This workbook walks you through each step of the program and gives you specific examples to help you learn and use these concepts in every realm of your life.

PeopleMap Desk Stand

Put this on your desk and watch the reaction of others! They will delight in being able to understand you better and will also know how to both approach you and work with you every day! In addition, this simple desk stand is loaded with critical information for you to keep in mind when dealing with others. This is a great way to create more effective relationships at work!

To order the additional PeopleMap products, contact our office by phone (813.760.5699) or email ([email protected]).

All sales of the PeopleMap Online Questionnaire are final. There is a No Refund policy for assessments taken using our Online Questionnaire Program.